Alaska Trackling

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Deer Damage, Sprague, MT

A DEER HIT ME LAST NIGHT! You heard right. I'm near Spokane, WA. Don't usually ride at night because animals. Tonight I pushed my luck as I didn't leave Everett, WA until after 2 PM. Rode the last half hour at night on I90 then 3 miles to the camp site. About a mile from camp there was suddenly a rear standing by the road. I slammed both front and rear brakes, but that quick it ran out. It hit my right hand with something hard and also slammed into my knee. I guess I swerved into the deer as it hit because I don't think I headed into the other lane or toward toward my ditch. Of course the Rocket with luggage and me on back is about 1300 lbs. 

No harm to me or the bike. The hook on a trailer luggage rack bungy was straightened and the trailer has a few new scratches Don't know how the deer made out.Didn't capture it for the BBQ. Thought maybe when I reached the campground, it'd be on the trailer ready to butcher LOL

Hooking backup with Redsy, somewhere in Montana

1 comment:

  1. Glad you and the bike are ok. I guess no "deer in the headlights" look from the butt-end, huh? Oh, you meant deer by the side of the road, not rear. Need to add deer repelling whistle to bike! Be safe!
