Alaska Trackling

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

4th of July-45F with rain-off the road for a day in Grand Cache , Alberta...Hot dogs, beans and good old red, white and blue PBRs

4th 0f July--Celebrating kicking the Redcoats ass in Grand Cache, Alberta, Canada. We have global outlook...celebrated Canada Day (Independence) in Banff, Alberta on July 1 in an Irish many ironies, so little time.


Grizzly picture from the cell phone of  traveling salesman we met at Vegas Restaurant and Lounge in Grande Cache, Alberta during rainy day layover. Taken along the road we rode in on.

Bison along the road in theYukon Territory

Redsy on a plank bridge on the road from British Columbia into the Northwest Territory
Two old retired farts (one with a blocked artery) spent a nasty day looking out a motel window and napping, while the poor working stiffs with jobs to rush back to, slopped on :-)

Travel Parks in Lake Watson, Yukon, don't like Yankees (at least with tents). A "local" directed us to a secluded spot  of unknown ownership  nestled between an tiny airport Lake Watson. Redsy built a big bonfire and I cooked the usual fine meal on the Barbie.....can't remember what. LOL

(see grizzly caption earlier above) Same road, different grizzly eating elk kill.

In the tent and ready for bear

Ron/Redsy misses Barb!


  1. So who has the GREAT BIG tent , I like the bear emergency kit.... Is the Courvoisier to sooth the bear because you just pissed him off by shooting him with "00" Buckshot ? ;-)) -dick-

  2. I believe the Democrats are known as the big tent party but this AIN'T theirs, garoanteed! When Faith joins I need room for her wardrobe, 10 pairs of boots and her own "queen" si

  3. Oops. "queen" size air mattress. JUST KIDDING, FAITH! Cognac makes me tall and brave like Napolean!

  4. The cognac is to calm Ed's nerves after he sees a grizzly. (right after he washes out his britches!)

  5. BTW, the pictures and commentary are great! Thanks. Congratulations on geting to Alaska!
